How you prepare now will impact the future because when the dust settles, we want you to be prepared for the change that is on its way.
It may be hard to see the finish line but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Just like when people walk down the stairs in the dark, they may not be able to see the next step, but they anticipate it because they know it’s there. Society as we see it now is only temporary. There is no definitive answer on how long this norm will be, but experts will tell you it is not a permanent fixture. There may not have been much that you could do to prepare for the immediate impact that changed our daily routines but the one thing that you can do to prepare for the change that is on its way is be ready for it.
Many people were impacted in different ways and as your community resource, we recognize that each situation is unique so the ways that we can help you prepare will vary. First, as a community college, we have been and always will be your community connection. In other words, we can connect you to general well-being services outside of the college as well as provide support and connections for small businesses. Second, we have short and long-term programs that have both evening and weekend availability. We have hundreds of online courses and we partner with other community resources to ensure you are supported physically, emotionally, and financially.
We will help you prepare every step of the way. Our courses are affordable pathways and can enhance your future both personally and professionally through:
- Placing focus on the online portion of your business
- Preparing you to enter into the high-demand healthcare industry
- Training educators in online and distance education
- Providing options on career change or starting your own business
- Helping business managers and owners empathize with employees
- Training new managers to better prepare for remote working and offsite team managing
- Training both managers and employees to cope with workplace changes
The staff and faculty at Workforce Solutions are committed to helping you succeed and will give you the training and credentials for a rewarding and sustainable career. We do this every day and we can help you be prepared for what’s to come. We are here for you via email, phone, or social media.
Contact us or check out all of our online courses today so we can help you prepare for your tomorrow.