
Laurel Ridge Workforce Solutions provides a variety of assessment tools, such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and DISC, to help employees understand their talents, skills, abilities, and relationships with others. These assessments can be used in a variety of ways from discovering basic skills competency, improving teambuilding, and better understanding the work dynamic of a group.

We also offer comprehensive 360 Degree Feedback Assessment development and administration services, using our online feedback and reporting system.


DISC is a valuable tool that helps you increase your one-on-one communication effectiveness with peers, subordinates, clients and friends. This instrument classifies four aspects of behavior by assessing a person’s preferences in communication styles and in behavior (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness). DISC benefits individuals but is also valuable for groups of people (teams, departments, boards of directors, small companies and organizations) to aid in the understanding of each other’s preferences and ultimately function more effectively as a team.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

The MBTI® is designed to measure how people perceive the world and make decisions. It allows us to look at our personalities in a way that fosters understanding of one another and enables us to appreciate our differences while showing how our individual preferences impact ourselves and those around us. MBTI® is valuable for personal development, problem-solving, conflict resolution, leadership, team building, goal setting, time management and stress management.

Technical Assessments

These assessments focus on industrial technician skills including written and hands-on testing in such areas as programmable logic control, hydraulics, electrical, mechanical and pneumatics. This is a great way to screen new employees and to identify skill gaps with incumbent workers.

360 Degree Feedback Assessments

360 Degree Feedback assessments are an excellent way to provide individuals a better understanding of their strengths, development opportunities, and how their colleagues perceive them. Conducting a successful feedback program requires careful consideration and planning every step of the way. Workforce Solutions can work with your business to develop assessment questions based on your core competencies and/or using industry standard and benchmarked competencies.

Through our online assessment portal we can also help you administer the survey electronically, as well as run reports, provide coaching and feedback sessions, and create individual action plans based on feedback.

Let Us Help

If you’d like more information about any of our assessment tools and services, please fill out the below form to schedule a free consultation.

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