Take All Three DDI Classes Below and Earn a Certificate in Performance Management
Setting Performance Expectations
When it comes to executing organizational strategies, driving performance is critical. When leaders are able to effectively review progress toward achieving agreed-upon expectations, they strengthen the performance of the individual, the work group, and the organization.
This course helps leaders drive performance and accountability by replacing the “dread” of performance reviews with the “human touch” that builds trusting relationships with the people who report to them. Leaders learn to conduct effective discussions that recognize people’s success and plan for their future development.
Do you face any of these issues?
- Do leaders and the people who report to them fear performance review discussions?
- Are leaders bearing all the responsibility for monitoring, collecting, and analyzing performance data?
- Do leaders have an unclear picture of how effectively the people in their work group are meeting their performance goals?
- Are leaders surprising employees with feedback long after a situation has occurred?
Performance Objectives
Helps leaders:
- Use progress reviews as a business tool in guiding individuals, work groups, and the organization toward success.
- Encourage people to sustain good performance and improve less-than-desirable results.
- Build people’s responsibility in monitoring, collecting, and analyzing performance data.
- Handle challenging situations that can arise during progress review discussions.
Sep 19 Fri 8 AM – 12 PM MIDD $129 Learn More/Register
Coaching for Improvement
Individuals need to take responsibility for addressing unacceptable performance or work habits that impact others and the organization—but leaders must know how to help them do it. This course helps leaders conduct effective improvement discussions and provide the feedback and ongoing support people need to improve performance.
Do you face any of these issues?
- Do leaders avoid poor-performance and work-habit discussions because they are uncomfortable or incapable of conducting them?
- Are unresolved performance and work-habit issues impacting others’ morale or productivity?
Performance Objectives
Helps leaders:
- Encourage others to take charge of improving performance and altering work habits, develop an improvement plan, and measure their progress.
- Prepare for and conduct successful improvement discussions.
- Handle specific challenges that might occur during such discussions.
- Foster morale and productivity by addressing performance and work-habit issues in a firm, fair, and consistent manner.
Oct 17 Fri 8 AM – 12 PM MIDD $129 Learn More/Register
Reviewing Performance Progress
Achieving business results requires aligning an employee’s individual goals with overall organizational strategy. Leaders must help people see how their efforts contribute to the success—or failure—of the organization.
This course helps leaders drive performance and accountability by helping people understand what is expected of them and gaining their commitment to achieving it. When leaders conduct effective setting expectations discussions, people feel more motivated to perform well because they see how their efforts make a difference.
Do you face any of these issues?
- Do your leaders struggle with the “human side” of the performance management process?
- Do they fail to achieve the purpose of expectations discussions—understanding, alignment, and agreement?
- Are leaders providing the feedback and support employees need to meet their objectives?
- Do leaders spend too much time coaching for improvement on people because they aren’t committed to their performance plan?
Performance Objectives
Helps leaders:
- Ensure mutual understanding of performance expectations.
- Help others identify performance expectations that align with the organization’s goals.
- Gain individual or team commitment to fulfilling the expectations in the performance plan.
- Handle challenging situations that can arise during setting expectations discussions.
Nov 14 Fri 8 AM – 12 PM MIDD $129 Learn More/Register